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Welcome to the Management API. This API allows developers to manage documents related to projects by providing endpoints for retrieving, uploading, and deleting documents. Whether you're building a document management feature for a project or integrating with an existing system, this API gives you the flexibility to perform common document-related operations efficiently.

Key Features

  • Retrieve Documents: Fetch a list of documents associated with a specific project, with support for pagination and sorting.
  • Upload Documents: Upload various types of documents (PDF, DOCX, etc.) and attach them to a project, complete with metadata such as description.
  • Delete Documents: Remove a document from a project, ensuring that old or irrelevant files are properly managed.


All API requests must be authenticated. Ensure that your requests include valid authentication tokens as part of the request headers.

Error Handling

The API returns standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of a request. In case of failure, detailed error messages are provided to help troubleshoot issues.

Getting Started

To start using the API, follow these steps:

  1. Authenticate: Ensure you have the necessary authentication tokens.
  2. Explore the Endpoints: Use the provided endpoints to retrieve, upload, or delete project documents.
  3. Handle Responses: Parse the JSON responses to integrate the document data into your application.

Explore the documentation below to understand the detailed specifications for each endpoint.