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As an admin, you can change your organization's information and enable connectors.

  1. Log in as an admin.
  2. From the left navigation menu, select Organization Settings at the bottom.

About Organization

This section allows you to view and edit your organization's details, such as the name, domain, creator, and creation date.

Organization settings screen displaying the 'About Organization' section with the organization's name, domain, creator, and creation date. An 'Edit' button is visible, allowing modifications to these details.

Update Organization

To update your organization's information:

  1. Click the Edit button in the 'About Organization' section.
  2. Update the necessary fields in the pop-up window.
  3. Click Save to apply the changes.

Window for updating organizational details on the ai12z platform. The 'About Organization' section is visible in the background, showing the organization's name, domain, creator, and creation date. In the foreground, the 'Update Organization' window has fields pre-filled with the name, type 'Partner', and domain, with 'Cancel' and 'Save' buttons below, ready for editing. An 'Edit' button on the background page suggests this pop-up window was triggered for modification purposes.


Please use the appropriate domain. The system uses the domain to create a default prompt when a new project is created in the organization.


Connectors are used to keep the content in your vector database synchronized with your CMS systems, OneDrive, SharePoint, etc. Real-time updates to publish events in your CMS or library system automatically update the content in the project.

How to Enable Connectors

  1. Navigate to the Connectors section.
  2. Enable the connectors that your organization should use.

Screen showing options to enable connectors for the organization. The connectors include SharePoint, Sitecore, Sitefinity, and Umbraco. Each connector option has a checkbox to enable or disable it, along with a brief description and version information.