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Uploading Content from JSON

Uploading bulk content through JSON is an efficient method for users who wish to import a large amount of content that is not already hosted on a website. This process is streamlined, allowing for the quick and seamless transfer of multiple content items in a single operation.

JSON Format for Bulk Upload

The JSON format is designed to be simple yet flexible, accommodating both text and HTML content. The structure of the JSON file is critical for a successful upload. Below is an example of the required format:

"type": "bulkContent",
"lang": "en",
"data": [
"content": "<h1>Title 1</h1><p>Content for item 1.</p>",
"title": "Item Title 1",
"link": ""
"content": "<h1>Title 2</h1><p>Content for item 2.</p>",
"title": "Item Title 2",
"link": ""
"content": "<h1>Title 3</h1><p>Content for item 3.</p>",
"title": "Item Title 3",
"link": ""
// Additional items can be added following the same pattern

Fields Explanation

  • type: This should always be set to "bulkContent" for this operation.
  • lang: Language of content
  • data: An array of content items, each containing the following fields:
    • content: The main body of the content. It can be plain text or HTML-formatted text.
    • title: The title of the content item.
    • link (optional): A URL link related to the content. This field can be omitted if there is no relevant link.

Uploading Process

  1. Prepare Your JSON File: Ensure your content is formatted as shown above.
  2. Access the Upload Interface: Navigate to File upload, ensure your file is of type .json
  3. Upload Your File: Use the provided interface to select and upload your JSON file.
  4. Verification and Processing: The system will verify the format of your file. If any errors are detected, you'll be prompted to correct them. Upon successful verification, the content will be processed and uploaded to the platform.
  5. Confirmation: Once the upload is complete, a confirmation message will be displayed, and you will be able to view your uploaded content in the designated section of the platform.

Best Practices and Tips

  • Validate JSON Format: Ensure your JSON file is correctly formatted and free of syntax errors. You can use online JSON validators for this purpose. Max upload size is 5000 items.
  • Content Quality: Ensure that the content you upload is of high quality, relevant, and follows the content guidelines of the ai12z platform.
  • Testing with Small Batches: If you're new to bulk uploading, consider starting with a small batch of content items to familiarize yourself with the process.
  • Monitoring Uploads: After the upload, check your content in the platform to ensure it appears as expected.

By following these guidelines, you can efficiently utilize the Bulk Content Upload feature to enhance your presence on the ai12z platform.