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Agents / Tools


The ReAct & LLM agent settings allow you to configure various tools that the AI assistant can call upon to provide enhanced functionality and support for user queries. This documentation details each agent/tool available in the system and how to enable them.

Available Agents/Tools and Their Functions

  1. Weather

    • Description: Get the current weather or forecast for a given location.
    • Functionality: Supports current weather, tomorrow's forecast, or the next few days' forecast.
    • How to Enable: Check the box labeled "Weather."
  2. Google Organic Search

    • Description: Get the top organic search results from Google for a given query. Web Scrape the web page found.
    • Functionality: Supports specifying the number of results and returns the content of each page.
    • How to Enable: Check the box labeled "Google Organic Search."
  3. Math

    • Description: Perform mathematical expressions.
    • Functionality: Supports a variety of math expressions, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and more complex functions like square roots and trigonometric operations.
    • Examples:
      • '47 + 8 / 9 * 6'
      • '9^2'
      • 'sqrt(16)'
      • 'log(10)'
      • 'log10(100)'
      • 'log2(8)'
      • 'sin(pi / 2)'
      • 'cos(0)'
      • 'tan(pi / 4)'
      • 'sec(0)'
    • How to Enable: Check the box labeled "Math."
  4. Date/Time

    • Description: Get the current date and time.
    • Functionality: The default time zone is 'UTC'.
    • How to Enable: Check the box labeled "Date/Time."
  5. Web Page Scrape

    • Description: Get content from an HTML page for a given URL.
    • Functionality: Returns the filtered content of the specified URL.
    • How to Enable: Check the box labeled "Web Page Scrape."
  6. Stock

    • Description: Monitor, analyze, and manage stock-related data, and plot the results.
    • How to Enable: Check the box labeled "Stock."
  7. Google Flight Search

    • Description: Search Google Flights between two locations, including both outgoing and return flights.
    • Functionality: Allows users to input departure and destination locations, and retrieves flight options, including dates and times for both outgoing and return flights.
    • How to Enable: Check the box labeled "Google Flight Search."
  8. Send Email

    • Description: Send an email to multiple users.
    • Functionality: Enables users to compose and send an email to multiple recipients directly from the Copilot interface.
    • How to Enable: Check the box labeled "Send Email."
  9. User Input

    • Description: Create a dynamically created HTML form control with specified parameters.
    • Functionality: Provides an interface to dynamically generate HTML form controls based on user-specified parameters. These include things like drop down, multi select and more.
    • How to Enable: Check the box labeled "User Input."
  10. Google Maps Places

    • Description: Get information about a place using Google Maps Places API.
    • Functionality: Allows users to input a place name or coordinates and retrieves detailed information about the place.
    • How to Enable: Check the box labeled "Google Maps Places."
  11. Google Maps Directions

    • Description: Get directions from one place to another using Google Maps Directions API.
    • Functionality: Enables users to get detailed directions from a starting point to a destination, including step-by-step navigation. Note in the System Prompt set the location(s) to create directions to it.
    • How to Enable: Check the box labeled "Google Maps Directions."

How to Configure the Agents/Tools

  1. Accessing the Settings:

    • Navigate to the "ReAct & LLM Agent Settings" section.
    • Switch to the "Agents / Tools" tab.
  2. Enabling Agents/Tools:

    • Check the boxes next to the agents/tools you wish to enable.
    • Make sure to review the description and functionality of each tool to understand its purpose and usage.
  3. Saving the Configuration:

    • After selecting the desired agents/tools, click the "Save" button to apply the settings.

Example Usage Scenarios

  1. Using the Weather Agent:

    • Query: "What is the weather forecast for tomorrow in New York?"
    • The AI will call the Weather agent to retrieve and provide the forecast.
  2. Using Google Flight Search:

    • Query: "Find me flights from Boston to San Francisco next weekend."
    • The AI will use the Google Flight Search agent to find relevant flight options.
  3. Using the User Input Agent:

    • Query: "I need a form to collect contact information."
    • The AI will create a dynamic HTML form for the user to input their contact details.

By following this documentation, users can effectively configure and utilize the ReAct & LLM agent tools to enhance their AI assistant's capabilities and provide comprehensive support for various user queries.

Agent Tools