ChatBot Control
The ai12z ChatBot Control is a web component designed to provide a conversational AI experience on your website, similar to chatbots. This feature offers users an interactive, AI-powered chatbot that can answer queries, guide users, and provide relevant information seamlessly.
To integrate the ChatBot Control into your site, include the following script tag in the <head>
section of your HTML:
You can then use the <ai12z-bot>
tag anywhere in your HTML to display the ChatBot.
Attributes and Customization
<ai12z-bot data-key="<API_KEY>"></ai12z-bot>
Property | Description | Example | Default |
data-key (Required) | API key from your ai12z project settings | data-key="Add your Key here" | |
data-mode (Optional) | Server to use dev or prod or local | data-mode="dev" | prod |
config-id (Optional) | Configure the particular bot otherwise the default bot config will load | config-id="123455" |
Custom bot (Optional)
If bot tag exists the standard bot control will be replaced with the html in the bot tag
<ai12z-bot data-key="your_api_key_here">
<div slot="bot">
style="width: 20px; cursor: pointer"
Custom Events
Event Name | Description | How to use it |
messageSent | This event will trigger when user sent an message to server | const botElement = document.querySelector('ai12z-bot'); botElement.addEventListener('messageSent',async(event) => {console.log(event.detail)}) |
messageReceived | This event will trigger when user received a response from server | botElement.addEventListener('messageReceived',async(event) => {console.log(event.detail)}) |
close | This event will trigger when user close the bot from client side | botElement.addEventListener('close', async(event) => { console.log(event.detail)}) |
open | This event will trigger when user open the bot from client side | botElement.addEventListener('open', async(event) => {console.log(event.detail)}) |
minimize | This event will trigger when user minimize the bot from client side | botElement.addEventListener('minimize', async(event) => {console.log(event.detail)}) |
errored | This event will trigger when any error thrown from server side | botElement.addEventListener('errored', async(event) => {console.log(event.detail)}) |
Custom Methods
Method Name | Description | How to use it |
action | Action allows us to do open, close and minimize the bot from client side. We have to pass the action type as an arugument to do particular action | async function openBot() {try {awaitcustomElements.whenDefined('ai12z-bot'); const botElement = document.querySelector('ai12z-bot');await botElement.action('open'); } catch (error) {console.error('Error fetching data:', error);}} |
sendMessage | sendMessage allows us to send query from client side to server side | async function openBot() {try {awaitcustomElements.whenDefined('ai12z-bot'); const botElement = document.querySelector('ai12z-bot');await botElement.sendMessage('what are the activities available?'); } catch (error) {console.error('Error fetching data:', error);}} |