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Demo Search with Background Image

This document outlines how to demonstrate a search control feature to clients using a custom background that mimics their website. This approach helps clients visualize the search integration directly on a version of their site. See Project Settings API Key to get your API key

File Structure

Ensure the following files are in the same directory:

  • demo.html — the HTML file.
  • backgroundImage.png — the custom background image.

HTML Setup

Below is the HTML template to set up the demo:

/* Update your background image, Match the size of your background image */
body {
background-image: url("backgroundImage.png");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: 1336px 1248px;
<ai12z-cta data-mode="prod" data-key="your_api_key_here"></ai12z-cta>
<!-- data-mode="dev" -->

<!-- Override the default global CSS variable after the ai12z-cta tag Adjust to align the search control as needed -->
ai12z-cta {
--ai12z-primary-color: rgb(165 180 252);
--ai12z-secondary-color: #64748b;
--ai12z-font-size: 16px;
--ai12z-font-color: rgb(51 65 85);
--ai12z-font-mute: #64748b;
--ai12z-border-color: rgba(59, 130, 246, 0.5);
--ai12z-hover-button-color: rgb(165 180 252);
--ai12z-hover-bg-color: rgb(249 250 251);
--ai12z-bubble-background: rgb(241 245 249);
--ai12z-feedback-selected: rgb(55 65 81);
--ai12z-feedback-color: rgb(107 114 128);
--ai12z-font-description: rgb(107 114 128);
--ai12z-font-search-text: #111827;
--ai12z-dialog-margin: 3rem 0 0 0;

Steps to Create the Demo

1. Create a Background Image

  • Capture a Screenshot: Take a screenshot of the client's website and save it as backgroundImage.png.
  • Edit the Image: Using an image editor, remove the existing search control from the screenshot to make space for the demo search icon.
  • Record Image Dimensions: Note the dimensions of the edited image, which are typically around 1300px by 1100px. This will be used to set the background-size in the CSS.

2. Update the demo.html Code

  • Set Background Size: Update the background-size in the CSS within demo.html to match the actual dimensions of backgroundImage.png.
  • Position the Search Control: Adjust the top and left properties in the .sc-ai12z-cta .custom-button CSS class to place the search control appropriately on the background.
  • API Key: Retrieve the data-key from your project settings and replace your_api_key_here with the actual API key.

Final Notes

  • Testing: Before presenting to the client, open demo.html in a browser to ensure everything is displayed correctly and the search control functions as expected.
  • Customization: Further CSS adjustments can be made to better integrate the search control into the background, ensuring a seamless demonstration.

This setup not only enhances the client's understanding of the feature but also showcases how it will appear and function on their actual website.