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Search/Ask AI Web Component


The AI12Z Search/Ask web component allows seamless integration of AI-powered search capabilities into your HTML pages. This component is loaded from a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and can be customized through a variety of properties.

The Search Web component, that loads from the CDN using the ai12z search web component

How to Use

  1. Add the Required Script
    Insert the following script and stylesheet in the head section of your HTML:

  2. Implement the Component
    You can use the <ai12z-cta> tag to include the search component in your HTML. This tag supports customization through several attributes and slots.

Example Code

<ai12z-cta data-key="your_api_key_here"></ai12z-cta>
<!-- Style customization example, place after the `ai12z-cta tag to overide the style -->
ai12z-cta {
--ai12z-primary-color: rgb(165 180 252);
--ai12z-secondary-color: #64748b;
--ai12z-font-size: 16px;

--ai12z-heading-color: rgb(51 65 85);
--ai12z-heading-font-size: 1.2rem;

--ai12z-input-placeholder-color: rgb(148 163 184);
--ai12z-input-placeholder-font-size: 1.1rem;

--ai12z-followup-color: rgb(107 114 128);
--ai12z-followup-font-size: 1rem;
--ai12z-followup-bg-color: rgb(30 64 175);

--ai12z-category-font-color: #2a2727;
--ai12z-category-font-size: medium;

--ai12z-search-result-title-color: #111827;
--ai12z-search-result-title-font-size: 0.875rem;

--ai12z-search-result-description-color: rgb(107 114 128);
--ai12z-search-result-description-font-size: 0.75rem;

--ai12z-bubble-background: rgb(241 245 249);
--ai12z-bubble-font-color: rgb(15 23 42);
--ai12z-bubble-font-size: 1.1rem;

--ai12z-button-font-color: rgb(51 65 85);
--ai12z-button-font-size: 1rem;

--ai12z-font-color: rgb(51 65 85);
--ai12z-font-mute: #64748b;
--ai12z-border-color: rgba(59, 130, 246, 0.5);
--ai12z-hover-button-color: rgb(165 180 252);
--ai12z-hover-bg-color: rgb(249 250 251);

--ai12z-feedback-selected: rgb(55 65 81);
--ai12z-feedback-color: rgb(107 114 128);

--ai12z-dialog-margin: 3rem 0 0 0;

Customization Options

  • The control contains following properties to customize the page.
data-key (Required)API key from your ai12z project settingsdata-key="123456"
data-mode (Optional)Server to use dev or prod or localdata-mode="prod"prod
heading (Optional)Text displayed above the control.heading="Search Here 1"empty
button-text (Optional)Custom text for the button.button-text="Ask me"Ask AI
help-text (Optional)Helper text displayed in the search"Type your question here..."Enter text to get started
no-results-text(Optional)allows us to customize the no results found textno-results-text="No results found..."No results found...
auto-search (Optional)If true, returns search results as you"true"true
placeholder (Optional)allows us to customize the placeholder textplaceholder="Enter your question "empty
categorize (Optional)If true, output will be organized by category if categories are set up.`truetrue
follow-up-label (Optional)Label for follow-up questionsfollow-up-label="Another question "Do you have a follow up question?
clear-memory (Optional)If true, clears the search history upon closing the dialogclear-memory="true"true
image-upload (Optional)Enable upload iconimage-upload="true"true
enable-mobile-view (Optional)If true, on mobile view, it occupies entire width of the screentrueenable-mobile-view="false"

To include a privacy policy link, use the <privacy> tag with a custom slot within the <ai12z-cta> element:

<ai12z-cta data-key="your_api_key_here">
<div slot="custom-privacy">Privacy Statement
<a href="" target="_blank">Click to view</a

CTA (Optional)

If cta tag exists the standard search control will be replaced with the html in the cta tag

<ai12z-cta data-key="your_api_key_here" heading="">
<div slot="cta">
style="width: 20px; cursor: pointer"

Custom CSS Properties

--ai12z-primary-colorPrimary Font color--ai12z-primary-color: rgb(165 180 252);
--ai12z-secondary-colorSecondary Font color--ai12z-secondary-color: #64748b;
--ai12z-font-sizePrimary Font size--ai12z-font-size:16px;
--ai12z-font-muteFont color of the custom message forexample: There is no results.--ai12z-font-mute: #64748b;
--ai12z-heading-colorCustomize the heading color like search here--ai12z-heading-color: #64748b;
--ai12z-heading-font-sizeCustomize the heading font size--ai12z-heading-font-size:1rem;
--ai12z-input-placeholder-colorCustomize the placeholder test color of the input field--ai12z-input-placeholder-color: rgb(148 163 184);
--ai12z-input-placeholder-font-sizeCustomize the font size of the placeholder text in the input field--ai12z-input-placeholder-font-size:1.1rem;
--ai12z-followup-colorCustomize the followup label text color--ai12z-followup-color:rgb(107 114 128);
--ai12z-followup-font-sizeCustomize the font size of the followup text--ai12z-followup-font-size: 1rem;
--ai12z-followup-bg-colorCustomize the bg color of the followup checkbox color--ai12z-followup-bg-color:rgb(30 64 175);
--ai12z-border-colorBorder color of the input field--ai12z-border-color: rgba(59, 130, 246, 0.5);
--ai12z-hover-button-colorColor of the button when hover--ai12z-hover-button-color:rgb(165 180 252);
--ai12z-hover-bg-colorColor of the list of Search History when hover--ai12z-hover-bg-color: rgb(249 250 251);
--ai12z-bubble-backgroundBackground color of the bubble chat--ai12z-bubble-background:rgb(241 245 249);
--ai12z-feedback-selectedColor of the thumbs when selected--ai12z-feedback-selected: rgb(55 65 81);
--ai12z-feedback-colorColor of the thumbs up and down--ai12z-feedback-color: rgb(107 114 128);
--ai12z-font-descriptionFont color of the description on the auto search results--ai12z-font-description:rgb(107 114 128);
--ai12z-font-search-textFont color of the title on the auto search results--ai12z-font-search-text : #111827;
--ai12z-dialog-marginPosition of the modal content--ai12z-dialog-margin:3rem 0 0 0;
--ai12z-category-font-colorCustomize the color of the category text--ai12z-category-font-color: #2a2727;
--ai12z-category-font-sizeCustomize the size of the category text--ai12z-category-font-size: medium;
--ai12z-search-result-title-colorCustomize the color of the title which shows in the search results--ai12z-search-result-title-color: #111827;
--ai12z-search-result-title-font-sizeCustomize the size of the title which shows in the search results--ai12z-search-result-title-font-size: 0.875rem;
--ai12z-search-result-description-colorCustomize the color of the description text which shows in the search results--ai12z-search-result-description-color: rgb(107 114 128);
--ai12z-search-result-description-font-sizeCustomize the size of the description text which shows in the search results--ai12z-search-result-description-font-size: 0.75rem;
--ai12z-bubble-font-colorcustomize the color of the bubble text--ai12z-bubble-font-color: rgb(15 23 42);
--ai12z-bubble-font-sizeCustomize the size of the bubble text--ai12z-bubble-font-size: 1.1rem;
--ai12z-button-font-colorCustomize the button font color Example: ASK AI--ai12z-button-font-color: rgb(51 65 85);
--ai12z-button-font-sizeCustomize the button font size--ai12z-button-font-size: 1rem;