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Adding ai12z Search to Your Docusaurus Site

Enhance your Docusaurus documentation site with ai12z's AI-powered search capabilities. This guide will walk you through the steps to integrate ai12z search into your Docusaurus project, whether you're using a JavaScript (docusaurus.config.js) or TypeScript (docusaurus.config.ts) configuration file.


  • Docusaurus Project: Ensure you have a Docusaurus site set up. If not, follow the Docusaurus Installation Guide to get started.
  • ai12z Account: Sign up for an ai12z account to obtain your API key.

1. Install Necessary Dependencies

Make sure you have the required packages installed:

npm install prism-react-renderer @docusaurus/types @docusaurus/preset-classic

2. Update Your Docusaurus Configuration

Depending on your project setup, you may have a docusaurus.config.js or docusaurus.config.ts file. Follow the instructions relevant to your configuration file type.

For JavaScript Configuration (docusaurus.config.js)

Modify your docusaurus.config.js file to include the ai12z scripts and stylesheets:

// Import necessary modules
const prismThemes = require("prism-react-renderer").themes

module.exports = {
// ... existing configurations

scripts: [
src: "",
type: "module",
stylesheets: [""],

// ... existing configurations

presets: [
// ... existing preset configurations
theme: {
// ... existing theme configurations

themeConfig: {
// ... existing theme configurations

navbar: {
// ... existing navbar configurations

items: [
// ... existing navbar items

type: "html",
'<ai12z-cta data-key="YOUR_AI12Z_API_KEY" heading="" help-text="Type your question and optionally include an image to start your search, then click Ask AI" data-mode="dev"><div slot="cta"><img src="YOUR_ICON_URL" width="20px" height="20px" style="cursor:pointer"></div></ai12z-cta>',
position: "left",

prism: {
theme: prismThemes.github,
darkTheme: prismThemes.dracula,

For TypeScript Configuration (docusaurus.config.ts)

Modify your docusaurus.config.ts file to include the ai12z scripts and stylesheets:

// Import necessary modules and types
import { themes as prismThemes } from "prism-react-renderer"
import type { Config } from "@docusaurus/types"
import type { Preset } from "@docusaurus/preset-classic"

const config: Config = {
// ... existing configurations

scripts: [
src: "",
type: "module",
stylesheets: [""],

// ... existing configurations

presets: [
// ... existing preset configurations
theme: {
// ... existing theme configurations
} as Preset.Options,

themeConfig: {
// ... existing theme configurations

navbar: {
// ... existing navbar configurations

items: [
// ... existing navbar items

type: "html",
'<ai12z-cta data-key="YOUR_AI12Z_API_KEY" heading="" help-text="Type your question and optionally include an image to start your search, then click Ask AI" data-mode="dev"><div slot="cta"><img src="" width="20px" height="20px" style="cursor:pointer"></div></ai12z-cta>',
position: "left",

prism: {
theme: prismThemes.github,
darkTheme: prismThemes.dracula,
} as Preset.ThemeConfig,

export default config


  • Replace YOUR_AI12Z_API_KEY with your actual ai12z API key.
  • Replace YOUR_ICON_URL with the URL of the icon you wish to display in the navbar.

3. Customize the ai12z Component (Optional)

You can customize the ai12z component to better fit your site's theme and user experience:

heading="Need Assistance?"
help-text="Ask our AI assistant any question about the documentation."
<div slot="cta">
  • data-mode: Set to "prod" for production.
  • heading: Customize the heading displayed in the AI assistant modal.
  • help-text: Provide guidance to users on how to interact with the assistant.

4. Add Custom CSS (Optional)

If you need to adjust the styling of the ai12z component, you can add custom CSS in src/css/custom.css:

/* Example custom styles for ai12z component */
ai12z-cta {
/* Your custom styles here */

5. Run Your Docusaurus Site

Start your Docusaurus development server to see the changes:

npm run start

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view your site with the integrated ai12z search.


  • Component Not Displaying: Ensure that the script and stylesheet URLs are correct and that your API key is valid.
  • Styling Issues: Verify that your custom CSS does not conflict with the ai12z component styles.
  • TypeScript Errors: If you're using TypeScript and encounter type errors, make sure all imported types are correctly referenced and that your configuration adheres to TypeScript syntax.
  • Console Errors: Check the browser console for any JavaScript errors and address them accordingly.

Additional Resources


You've successfully added ai12z's AI-powered search to your Docusaurus site. Whether you're using a JavaScript or TypeScript configuration file, this enhancement will provide your users with a sophisticated search experience, allowing them to find information more efficiently.

Enjoy the enhanced functionality on your documentation site!