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ai12z WordPress Plugin Installation and Setup Guide

Step 1: Downloading the Plugin

Download the latest WordPress plugin.

Step 2: Activating the Plugin

2.1 Log In to Your WordPress Dashboard

  • Access your admin dashboard by logging in at:

2.2 Upload and Install the Plugin

  • Go to "Plugins" > "Add New".
  • Click "Upload Plugin".
  • Select the downloaded .zip file and click "Install Now".

2.3 Activate the Plugin

After installation, click "Activate" to enable it on your site. Activate ai12z AI Copilot WordPress plugin

Step 3: Accessing the Settings Screen

3.1 Locate the Installed Plugin in the menu

  • Find the ai12z AI Copilot plugin and click on the settings link. The link to ai12z AI Copilot WordPress plugin settings screen

Step 4: Configuring the Plugin

In the settings screen, fillout the required value. ai12z AI Copilot plugin settings

4.1 Input the API Key, Connector Id and Project Id

  • These inputs are provided by ai12z and can be found on the ai12z portal.
  • Enter these information in the respective fields.

4.2 Save the Settings

  • Ensure all configurations are correct and click "Save Changes".