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Ai12z Kontentai Connector Setup Guide

Step 1: Enable Connector

  1. Log in to the Ai12z portal using admin credentials.
  2. In the organization settings, verify that the connectors are enabled. Organization settings screen showing enabled connectors
  3. Navigate to your project.
  4. Select projectsettings.
  5. Click on the edit button next to Connectors and enable Kontentai

Step 2: Configure Connector

  1. Select Connectors from the project left navigation.
  2. In the Connector Store Confugation screen click on Kontentai's action menu > Edit
  3. In the Connector Configuration screen, fill out the information
    • Kontentai site url
    • Kontentai user with access to get content
    • Crawler Settings: Name is required Kontentai connector configuration example