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Knowledge Base

The Knowledge Base within ai12z is a vital repository where project administrators can create, manage, and store kB articles tailored to user inquiries, especially for questions not covered by existing documents.

Accessing the Knowledge Base

Screenshot of a knowledge base management interface with a navigation bar on the left side and a main content area displaying a table of questions and answers. One entry is visible, showing a question beginning with 'What is an interesting fact about...' and a partially visible answer. The entry includes the name of the person who last modified it and the modification date. A 'Create' button is present in the top right corner.

To access the Knowledge Base:

  1. From the Dashboard, select 'Knowledge Base' from the left navigation panel.
  2. You will be directed to the 'All Q&A' screen, which lists all the questions and answers in your project.

Creating New kB articles

Screenshot of a 'New Entry' form within a content management system. The form includes fields for 'Title' with an 'Auto Generate' option, 'Content', and an optional 'Link back to webpage' where a URL can be entered. At the bottom, there are 'Cancel' and 'Save' buttons.

To create new kB articles:

  1. Click the 'Create' button on the 'All knowedge Base' screen.
  2. In the 'New Entry' dialog box, fill in the fields:
    • Title: Type the title you want the AI to address.
    • Content: Enter a clear, concise, and informative answer.
    • Link back to webpage (optional): Provide a URL to a related webpage for further reference, if applicable.
    • Auto Generate After you enter the title, you can click the "Auto Generate" button
      Set up the project information

      When you click Auto Generate, the AI will use the information you entered when creating the project. You can always go back and re-edit those properties and click the check box, Recreate Prompts

Managing Knowledge base

Q&A Knowledge Base interface with a search bar at the top. Below are columns for 'Question,' 'Answer,' 'Modified By,' 'Modified At,' and 'Action.' A single entry is shown with a truncated question and answer, last modified by 'Bill Rogers' on '1/13/2024.' An 'Edit' and 'Delete' option appear in the 'Action' column. A 'Create' button is visible in the top right corner.

Managing existing KB articles:

  • Viewing all created kB articless at a glance on the 'All Q&A' screen.
  • Monitoring modifications to Q&A entries, including who made changes and when.
  • Ensuring the relevance and up-to-dateness of kB articles.
  • Editing or deleting kB articles via the 'Action' column options.

Considerations for KB article Creation

When creating kB articles:

questions based on gaps in user inquiries not addressed by existing documentation.

  • Make answers factual, concise, and consistent with the copilot's tone and style.
  • Provide a webpage link when possible to add context or evidence supporting the answer.

Tips for Effective Knowledge Base Use

  • Regularly review the questions users ask, their feedback, and any questions that remain unanswered to identify knowledge gaps.
  • Proactively update the Knowledge Base with new information or when company policies or products change.
  • Encourage team members to contribute to and review the Knowledge Base, ensuring accuracy and comprehensiveness.

The Knowledge Base is a dynamic component of the ai12z platform, designed to empower users with a tailored set of questions and answers that address the specific needs of their audience. It is an evolving resource that enhances the copilot's ability to deliver precise and useful information.

Remember to use the Knowledge Base as a living document, refining it continually to improve the user experience and the effectiveness of your AI copilot.